My intent being a teacher is to develop in my scholars a thorough perception as well as self-assurance when answering exam questions and having the ability to tackle unfamiliar problems. My ideology is actually based on the concept that learning occurs in an atmosphere of mutual respect wherein the scholar is motivated to think and make connections on their own. My sensation has been that individual tuition has a unique sense to students due to the ability to resolve the students' personal barriers to learning in a way which sets the foundations for a thorough and lengthy understanding of the course.
Student’s needs and learning style meaning
My approach depends on the student's learning style and needs. My teaching ideology is based on inspiring students to think for themselves, employing existing examples wherever it can be. |In my opinion it is critical to provide students with a working knowledge and to give them problem-solving skills for establishing upon this knowledge. Training anyone to think critically is at the fundamental of what exactly a learner should withdraw from any subject class.
We learn through examples
Coaching students is among the most enduring contributions a coach can bring in, and it is a procedure, which I find pleasurable and rewarding. From my practice, I discovered the effect of engaging students through examples and of pitching material at a level that implies comprehension and yet not always knowledge, mixing the known with the unknown within a solution which brings the scholar the sensation of possibility rather than that one of impossibility that formal and impressive approaches may lay down.
Using a lot of practising
I start from themes the students are familiar with and proceed progressively towards more complex sectors seeing that their peace of mind is being established. I use examples and questions to test grasping constantly. I don't lecture to children or request them to memorise things. Neither do I perform the scholars' investigation for them!
I mainly prioritise exam-style as well as former paper questions in order to confirm, exercise and improve the child's perception and technique. I will also give a lot of attention to some of the less vital but obvious skills as logical thought, essay structure and technique, and the good use of numbers and graphs.